France, My Second Home

Written By Frances Healy

As with any holiday it really seems a life time ago but only last month I was back in my second country, France. Despite the endless rain, it was just what I needed, relaxing with my husband and our bouncy new addition, Barney our gorgeous Welsh Springer Spaniel.

Every new day brought with it fresh discoveries, hidden treasures in nooks and crannies, flowers in full bloom, a supposedly abandoned car, so French and utterly charming – so much to look at and see, a plentiful source of design inspiration and a complete confirmation of my love of France.

I stumbled across a wonderful and colourful art installation of painted bikes of differing styles – there was a pink one, a bright yellow one, one completely blue and a fourth entirely encased in a bright orange. It was rather bizarre but quite stunning. Later that day, walking through a cobbled street I came across a wonderful red rocking chair. Outside all shinny and bright – I do love a rocking chair, there is something so soothing about the motion when seated in one and being red made it even more lovable.

We visited Chateau de Biron, Lot et Garonne, high up on top of a hill, with a huge base and towering majestically five stories into the sky – it looked amazing and felt very powerful. In contrast a couple of days later I found this shady spot – wouldn’t you just love to have lunch here? Freshly harvested olives to pick at with a baguette and some ripe brie would be my choice and maybe a sneaky class of the local vintage.

Bicycle Art

Chateau de Biron

Pink Hollyhocks

The perfect spot for lunch

Our trip was a little late to appreciate the Poppies, but I certainly wasn’t disappointed by the floral displays wherever I went. One of my favourite flowers has to be the Hollyhock, in France they grow everywhere and naturally to boot. Tall and elegant they have such a richness in their colouring. I particularly liked this one – a perfect pink!

The French market squares never cease to inspire me, the architecture and the building features constantly feed my obsession with doors, windows and shutters. Towards the end of our stay I took this picture in one such market square. This is a fantastic visual representation of a colour that’s hard to describe and my beloved France gave me this gem to help me explain. I refer to this colour all the time – known in the world of Interior Design as griege – it is a faded, aged, wood colour and goes with absolutely anything – so now you know what I am talking about, well I do hope so!


Griege Rafters

Interior Design Director Frances Healy

Frances Healy
Interior Design Director
Frances Healy Interiors Ltd

About the Author: Frances Healy, Interior Design Director, Frances Healy Interiors Ltd

Frances has spent her entire career working in premium luxury residential properties across the whole of the UK and also into mainland Europe, the United States and Caribbean. Having completed Art School, Frances joined Charles Hammond Ltd on Sloane Street in London where she carried out her apprenticeship working as a junior member of one of the Design Teams. Her experience in classic period houses and riverside apartments during the 1980’s and 90’s within London and the luxurious country estates of the home counties, gave her a training, knowledge and address book, which is still with her today.

Returning to her home in the South West 20 years ago, Frances now heads up her own Interior Design business where she can still be found in prestige properties in the exquisite seaside towns of Salcombe, Fowey, St Mawes and Rock or high on the moors of Bodmin and Dartmoor still working her magic, still loving her trade and making many, many old and new clients very, very, happy.

Frances lives in the Southern Tamar valley right on the border between Devon and Cornwall with her husband and their beloved spaniel Barney. Weekends will be spent boating, walking the beaches (come rain or shine) or pottering in her greenhouse.

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