Written By Frances Healy

The United Kingdom is an island nation, so I think we are all drawn to the coast and sea, if only once a year for a holiday. Cornwall is the only county in the country to have the sea on three sides – the warm waters of the English Channel to the South, the cold stormy Atlantic to the North and Lands’ End at the bottom, where the two meet. The county is just 22 miles wide as an average, so wherever you live in Cornwall, you are never more than 11 miles from over 250 miles of stunning coastline – no wonder we have it in our blood.

A section of the South West Coast Path, Boscastle, North Cornwall

Having lived most of my life in the West Country, is not surprising that I’m drawn to the ocean – its feeds my life and lifts my soul – it’s soothing, empowering, restful and uplifting. Never, ever, ever have I taken a trip to the sea and come back feeling worse than when I left. To the contrary – any seaside visit, always leave me refreshed, revitalised and calm.

The South West is full of life and bustle in the summer – we love the tourists visiting our region which is so crucial to our economy – holiday lets, hotels, ice-creams, pasties, fishing, fun attractions – they are all key to many, many livelihoods in this part of the world – but ask any local and most of them will also say that they love the beaches and the seaside best in the autumn/winter months, when if you are lucky, you can literally have a whole stretch of three miles of beach to yourself (but I’m not going to tell you where!)

A deserted November day at Harlyn Bay, North Cornwall

Barney, my four legged friend and I, have taken to going to the coast on a Friday afternoon – it’s such a wonderful way to end a working week. If the tide is in, we may just walk along a stretch of the Southwest Footpath – narrow paths, winding along the cliff edge nestled amongst the gorse and thrift, but if the tide is out, we will head down onto the beach and walk along the firm sands or shifting pebbles depending on our destination. As Barney runs and explores I just stand, watch the sea and take the time to listen and to be still - every parting wave takes away the stress of the working week and every incoming one just fills me up with peace and joy. It is, without doubt, the best way to start the weekend.

Barney’s Friday night beach walk

I never tire of the ocean – no two days are ever the same and the colours of the beach, the sea, the cliffs, the rocks, the sky all inspire me and often are translated into schemes into my projects. Deep inky blues and greys of winter skies, with low burnt orange skies contrast to the bright turquoise of summer seas and the fresh bright greens of the cliffside greenery. There is never a dull moment at the seaside.

Moody, inky, winter sea and skies

I also never seem to tire of beachcombing – I am incapable of not picking up a polished stone or piece of sea glass; a bright yellow little shell or a smooth piece of pale washed wood - all of which make it back home to add to my collections. I have bowls of shells and driftwood scattered around my house I just love the shapes and colours of them all. I have a particular soft and patterned pebble which I keep on my desk – it’s so soothing to just rub through my fingers, in the middle of my working day, it instantly connects be back to the ocean.

Of course, everyone has a favourite beach or cliff spot and it would be impossible to pick just one from our incredibly spoilt local collection, but if you do head to the glorious South West this summer and have time for a little seaside spoiling, then these are just a few of my favourite locations.

Spectacular colours at Cape Cornwall, West Cornwall

I hope you can take a moment to feel the benefits yourself this summer of a trip to the ocean.


Penzance promenade at sunset

Frances Healy
Interior Design Director
Frances Healy Interiors Ltd

About the Author: Frances Healy, Interior Design Director, Frances Healy Interiors Ltd

Frances has spent her entire career working in premium luxury residential properties across the whole of the UK and also into mainland Europe, the United States and Caribbean. Having completed Art School, Frances joined Charles Hammond Ltd on Sloane Street in London where she carried out her apprenticeship working as a junior member of one of the Design Teams. Her experience in classic period houses and riverside apartments during the 1980’s and 90’s within London and the luxurious country estates of the home counties, gave her a training, knowledge and address book, which is still with her today.

Returning to her home in the South West 20 years ago, Frances now heads up her own Interior Design business where she can still be found in prestige properties in the exquisite seaside towns of Salcombe, Fowey, St Mawes and Rock or high on the moors of Bodmin and Dartmoor still working her magic, still loving her trade and making many, many old and new clients very, very, happy.

Frances lives in the Southern Tamar valley right on the border between Devon and Cornwall with her husband and their beloved spaniel Barney. Weekends will be spent boating, walking the beaches (come rain or shine) or pottering in her greenhouse.

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